Archive for the ‘DVD review’ Category

Practical Magic

Image via Wikipedia

So I’m re-watching an old favourite and the mark of an amazing movie jumped out at me like a neon light. The mark of a brilliant movie, friends, is even after watching it several times (and by several I mean I say the lines moments before the characters do and know all the lyrics to all the songs on the soundtrack) and still find myself being blown away by its sheer excellence! And this I have found in PRACTICAL MAGIC.

Where does one begin to rave about this piece of cinema magic. Genius casting. Sandra Bullock, Stockard Channing (legend of note!) And Ms Nicole Kidman, to name just a few of the rock star actors mushed together as a wicked ensemble cast; a nuanced, humorous, intelligent and beautiful script; strikingly appropriate soundtrack and magnificently crafted camera angles and cinematography that one can’t help but tip your hat to.

Do yourself a favour, and watch it ( or rather re-watch it, because if you haven’t seen it by now, where have you been?). Magic like this just doesn’t get old… And neither do midnight marguerita’s!